Founded as HARRP (Housing Authorities Risk Retention Pool) in 1987, Synchrous ensures rate stability through risk-sharing pools for public housing authorities and non-governmental owners of affordable housing properties. Member-owners in Oregon, Washington, California and Nevada have access to extensive information and resources on issues related to fair housing, employment law, the ADA, human resources, health and safety. HARRP provides these members and policyholders a cooperative program of indemnification and financial protection against risks of loss.
OVO was hired to guide HARRP and its related service organizations to identify a single name and create the strategy, identity, messaging, and collateral components to execute consistently on behalf of its members. The engagement is ongoing and has proven beneficial for all parties. We look forward to the work still ahead.
Like many public entities serving multiple constituencies, HARRP and its sister orgs, AHRP and ORWACA, had become a mish-mash of assorted initial letters. While a convenient shorthand for those working within the entities, it was confusing and undifferentiated among members. Further, a merger of the risk retention and housing pools with the insurance services entity required a unified and memorable name an all-inclusive identity system; flexible enough to meet the needs of its members and those serving them.
Like all OVO projects, discovery would provide an informed understanding of the intent and desired future state for HARRP. Drawing down insights from competitive analyses, audits and through interviews and secondary sources, a picture of common strength and purpose in its cause began to emerge. Reducing risk requires a collective that works in sync to understand the needs and deliver the tools and services its regional members require. An invented name, Synchrous, was born. A comprehensive identity system followed. From there, it was about defining and articulating the platforms to most effectively utilize the valuable content and resources Synchrous delivers; all of which revolve around a modern, accessible Web site portal, social media channels, email communications, and simple-to-use printed materials.